Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Today we went to a little salon inside someone's house, next to their garage. The woman who owned it was the only worker. She had two children, Edith and Arthur. We went to get haircuts for my mother, my sister Charlotte, and my brothers, August and Miles. We only got around to do Mommy, Charlotte and August. We're going back on Monday at 1:30.
Her salon was such an inspiration! It was so pretty! Just a small room with little pictures, mirrors, 2 magazines with pictures of different hairdos, 1 chair for getting your hair done, and a special sink and a chair by it for washing your hair. She had a lit up sign that said SALON ALLISON. It was just so special and fun!! Now I want to be a salon worker, with a salon like her's.
Next week I might get my hair trimmed. Miles definitely will, and Marika and maybe Libby. I would like to grow my hair out really long!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
Trixie :-)

The Giggling Gull Situation

The Giggling Gull was started by my mother. Now my sister has taken over the Giggling Gull, but, Captain Nemo's Library and my blog, Trixie's Dandelion Puff, are daughter blogs, so whenever we comment we have to comment as the Giggling Gull.
We are supposed to say who we are in our comments though. It might be a little hard to tell, but I'm not expecting that my sisters will comment on my other sister's posts.

These Are a Few of My Favorite Foods

These are a few of my fave foods:
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
No-Bake Chocolate Cream Pie
Pasta with Pesto
Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

I LOVE pulled pork sandwiches! I like them with Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce. I put the pork roast in the crockpot with salt and pepper and cook it all day long. At dinnertime I shred it and put it on a plate. Then I spread bbq sauce on the bun, and put the meat on. IT IS SO YUMMY!!!! We make 2 pork roasts on Sundays for pulled pork sandwiches at dinner because we are 9 people. I don't know about you, but this is one of my favorite foods!

Chocolate cream pie is sooo yummy. The filling is so creamy and sweet! The crust does not cover the top. It is so tasty and delicious! I like to have it for dessert. It's good for birthdays and parties.

Pasta is so good!! I'm so sure that 90% of the world is in love with pasta! And I definitely LOVE pesto! This, too, is wonderful with parties and birthdays! 

Chocolate is just about the best sweet IN THE WORLD!!! No one on earth could dislike chocolate. Everyone I know loves chocolate. I think it's in my genes ;-).


Thursday, September 17, 2015

My Hobbies

I love to play board games. I like the games LIFE, Monopoly, Parcheesi, and Pengolo. I also like to do 300-375 piece puzzles. I like puzzles with animals and puzzles with scenes of nature. I love to read and color, but I'm awful at drawing. I enjoy taking walks and biking. I like to play the piano, listen to audio books, enjoy my sleeping baby brother, and post on my blog. I like to decorate my room and move things around. I like to have my room neat, organized, and tidy.
I hope this tells you something more about who I am!
I was hoping to post some pictures of my family, but, at the moment that is not possible. :-(

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fantastic Miles

Today, as we were singing, Miles climbed up onto Carly's lap and tried to take her psalter away. As we started a new song Miles would say 'baaa waa dada' as if he were trying to sing! He was so cute! I wish I could have gotten a video of it that I could post!!
Miles loves to play on mine and my sister's iPods. He will take it and just fiddle with it and turn on music and such without realizing it!! Once, he took my iPod and started a video as I ran after him telling him to give it back :-). He is such a prankster!
We position the couch and end table in such a way as to keep him in the living room, but he will wriggle around and find a way through. It is only by putting up an actual baby gate that we can keep him contained for very long! I LOVE my baby brother!!
He likes to walk around the upstairs and get in trouble in the kitchen. He will pull cans out of the brown kitchen cabinet, and once he almost popped a bag of split peas. He'll climb on the step stool and then almost fall.
He has won the 'Best Baby Of The Month' award 12 times in a row (with me judging, by the way).   :-)
So, as you can tell, he is the sweetest, cutest, best, most darling, most beautiful baby ever to live. I'm serious. And ya'll have to agree with me or you can't see my blog (joke, obviously). I know, you should stand up for your sibling, but deep down I'm sure you feel he's the best!!

Good Blogs And Books

I'm going to rustle up for you all a list of good blogs and books. I thought it would only be fair to other blogs:-).

  • Books:

  1. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen  
  2. The Hobbit, J.R.R.Tolkien 
  3. As You Like It, Shakespeare
  4. Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare
  5. Storybound, Marissa Burt
  6. Story's End, Marissa Burt
  7. Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen
  8. Emma, Jane Austen
  9. Persuasion, Jane Austen
  10. The Lord Of The Rings, J.R.R.Tolkien
  • Blogs:
  1. The Booker Guy, http://thebookerguy.blogspot.com/2015/09/my-favorite-authors.html?showComment=1442331527413#c1444619510326594044
  2. Captain Nemo's Library, http://captainnemoslibrary.blogspot.com
  3. The Giggling Gull, http://thegigglinggull.blogspot.com
That's my entire list? Yep. I don't know many blogs, so I put up the top 3. For the books I just did 10, those aren't my absolute favorites, though they are on my favorites list. I hope you enjoy the blogs and books! If you find anything wrong with them please email me.

Monday, September 14, 2015

On Clubs

I have started many clubs before, and none have lasted very long. Have you ever started a failed club before? Nowadays, when I tell my sisters that I've been thinking on a club, they say, 'It never works' and 'They never last.' I, personally, love clubs. I've been struggling with the problem 'How can we make it last?' I'm scheming up a new club right now. I think I will try to involve friends at church in my scheme. :-) 
Anyway, when I start to think 'It never works' I try to remind myself that sometime it's liable to turn out. After all, 'When at first you don't succeed, try, try again.' That's my advice to you now. Maybe it will, maybe it won't, but 'try, try again.'
I'm thinking that maybe it's my problem that these things are hard to work, I'm thinking that maybe if I try a little harder it'll work. Well, we'll see. But for now, I'm still scheming. I think maybe I'll have a club with a max amount of people, my only problem with that is that it leaves people out. I don't want to hurt any feelings here.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Miles and Me, A Short Story

So, I told you in my hello that this would have an occasional short story by me for you all to edit for me and judge, well, I'm about to take the plunge!

Miles loves me. He likes to lie on the bed with me and play with my balloon. It's shaped as a star. He doesn't like me to leave him in the nursery at church. We like to play together with my bouncy balls and walk together in the hall. He is my baby. He is my brother. We went to the fair together. We waited together while Mommy took the others on a ride. We like to play 'I'm going to get you' and 'I'm going to eat you' while I change his diaper. We like to sit next to each other in the car. I love Miles and Miles loves me.

That's a true story. Miles is only one year old and he's the cutest baby in the world-I'm not blinded by love when I say that. I have 6 siblings including Miles.


My name is Trixie (short for Beatrix) and I'm almost eleven years old. This blog is a daughter blog of The Giggling Gull. The Giggling Gull is my mother. This blog is just going to be about things like my family, my pets, local events I went to, and books. (I might also put in a little short story of my own.)
I'll be trying to put in 2-3 posts per week, but no promises that I'll be a faithful blogger.
So I hope you enjoy, 'cause I definitely will!! :-)