Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fantastic Miles

Today, as we were singing, Miles climbed up onto Carly's lap and tried to take her psalter away. As we started a new song Miles would say 'baaa waa dada' as if he were trying to sing! He was so cute! I wish I could have gotten a video of it that I could post!!
Miles loves to play on mine and my sister's iPods. He will take it and just fiddle with it and turn on music and such without realizing it!! Once, he took my iPod and started a video as I ran after him telling him to give it back :-). He is such a prankster!
We position the couch and end table in such a way as to keep him in the living room, but he will wriggle around and find a way through. It is only by putting up an actual baby gate that we can keep him contained for very long! I LOVE my baby brother!!
He likes to walk around the upstairs and get in trouble in the kitchen. He will pull cans out of the brown kitchen cabinet, and once he almost popped a bag of split peas. He'll climb on the step stool and then almost fall.
He has won the 'Best Baby Of The Month' award 12 times in a row (with me judging, by the way).   :-)
So, as you can tell, he is the sweetest, cutest, best, most darling, most beautiful baby ever to live. I'm serious. And ya'll have to agree with me or you can't see my blog (joke, obviously). I know, you should stand up for your sibling, but deep down I'm sure you feel he's the best!!